Take a look at part-1 of this Maneki-Neko Tattoo in Time-Lapse done by Michael O’Farrell here at Mantra tattoo in Lakewood, Colorado. The first session of this tattoo lasted about two hours and we compiled it all into a time-lapse. There is a lot that goes into the entire process of a tattoo, check out the video to see it all in just a few short minutes! Mike enjoys doing colorful work in traditional and neo-traditional styles. Check his portfolio out under his artist profile for more awesome work!
Maneki Neko is the famous Japanese lucky cat. The cat statue is easily recognizable as the cat will be holding one paw up. It looks like a waving cat. “Maneki” is the Japanese word for beckoning and “neko” means cat in Japanese. The Maneki Neko is thought to bring good fortune and wealth to its owner. This feline is considered very lucky. Anyone seeking success is sure to have a statue of this cat, or a tattoo. The Maneki Neko has become a global phenomenon and very popular as a substance for a tattoos and art alike.
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