One of the most solicited and misunderstood tattoo designs
Skulls are one of the most popular tattoos around the world. They are particularly interesting because they can sometimes mean something totally different to what we assumed in the first place.
The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death and mortality. However, while many skull tattoos indeed represent death and darkness as expected, there are also other less obvious and less morbid meanings for them, which may include: protection, power, strength and overcoming obstacles.
Another awesome aspect of skull tattoos, is that there are so many different ways to tattoo them. A human skull can be beautiful but it can also be frightening, it all depends on what light they are tattooed in.
Regardless of the type of design and skull tattoo meaning for the wearer, it’s quite possible that others will misinterpret it. So just in case if you choose a skull tattoo, be prepared to explain its meaning for you more than once to the curious or slightly shocked inquirers.
Come get your Skull Tattoo done by a pro at Mantra Tattoo & Body Piercing!
Come visit us to get your custom skull tattoo designed by one of our experienced tattoo artists in Denver, all of them do custom work and will create the design from the ideas you give them until your perfect skull tattoo design is ready to be inked.
We use only medical grade sterilization and always new needles on every tattoo and piercing. Our shop is fully inspected and regulated by the Jefferson County Health Department.
Age requirements: 18 and up on your own with state issued photo ID or equivalent; 16 or 17 years of age with a legal guardian and both individuals are required to have a state issued photo ID or equivalent with matching last names.
1695 Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, Colorado
(303) 239-8282 / (303) 238-3736
Open: Mon – Sat 11:00 am – 9:00 pm, Sun 12:00 noon – 9:00pm.