Mike Alan – Artist Spotlight Mantra Tattoo

Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo
Mike’s interest in art is something that’s been present as far back as he can remember. Beginning with playing around crayons, spending countless hours scribbling on placemats and napkins in the corners of the restaurants his mother worked in. Today, he has been tattooing for 10 years.
Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo
Mike’s style of tattooing is illustrative work done solely in black and reminiscent of both traditional and neo traditional tattoo design influences as well as pen and ink illustration found in books like the original Alice in wonderland. He enjoys the contrast and technical application demanded by this type of work and currently finds himself immersed in finding new ways to translate these art styles to the skin.
Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo
He finds influence in many places in his life and has a belief that art interprets life and vise versa. He is looking forward to what the future holds for his art developed both on and off the skin and hopes to take his tattooing to new places and down new paths with larger scale works and new techniques.  It is his goal to develop something unique with each piece and prefers to work with loose concepts and themes when creating his tattoos.
Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo

His goals are always to create a piece with as much value in each aspect of the design as possible
and to consider it beyond its basic subject viewing the bigger picture to the best of his abilities.

Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo
Mike Alan Blackwork Mantra Tattoo




If you would like to book an appointment with Mike Alan, you can send him a direct message on Instagram at Mike Alan Instagram

or email him at @[email protected]







At Mantra Tattoo, we have a team of amazing tattoo artists that can help you get the design to suit your personality and individuality. Check their tattoo portfolio to get inspired. You can also come down to the shop to speak with one of our artists and get your new tattoo started today! The shop is open every day and we welcome walk-ins.

– Instagram: @mantratattoo

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