Meet Timothy Kidd, one of our very talented tattoo artists

The man for hard black lines with lot of colors

Timothy Kidd enjoys doing American Traditional style tattoos with hard black lines with a lot of color.

American Traditional tattoo style is one of the most popular styles of tattooing today and where tattooing began in the modern sense of the word. The bold solid black outlines, a limited color palette (primary colors and black) and lots of space between lines. Check out Kidd’s great body art.

Moth torso tattoo: Amazing piece showing the wearer is determined to find their way in life, even when passing through dark times. The first session of this tattoo took almost 2 hours.

Skeleton-rose half sleeve tattoo: An excellent contrast of death and beauty. The first session of this tattoo lasted 2-3 hours.

Check his portfolio out under his artist profile for more awesome work!

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Add some color to those lines

Come and get your new tattoo made by a professional in Denver

KIDDVisit us to get your custom back tattoo designed by one of our experienced tattoo artists in Denver, all of them do custom work and will create the design from the ideas you give them until your perfect American Traditional tattoo design is ready to be inked. Step into the shop to speak with one of our artists or check out our portfolios and get your new tattoo started today! The shop is open every day, and we welcome walk-ins!

We use only medical grade sterilization and always new needles on every tattoo and piercing. Our shop is fully inspected and regulated by the Jefferson County Health Department. Age requirements: 18 and up on your own with photo ID; 16 – 17 with a legal guardian and both individuals required to have photo ID with matching last names.

Kidd works Wednesday to Saturday noon to close. Please call the shop, or text cell to schedule an appointment.

Cell: 720.366.8657
Shop: 303.239.8282

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